Song of Songs 1:7-2:6, Andy Stanley writes, “Become the person that you’re look for is looking for”. What do we want God to build into our life in order to attract that.
Becoming the right person is more important than choosing the right person. We look at this in light of dating, marriage and sex. All played out in Song of Songs which is God's statement of redemption about sexuality and marriage. Song of Songs 1:1-8
Why did God change the language in Genesis 11? Was He threatened or did He have a higher purpose? It all leads to the question, "What are the towers in my life?"
Should we and if so, how does one show honor to a person in authority who behaves in a dishonorable fashion?
Genesis 9:18-26
What is the longest you have ever had to wait for God to answer your prayer? Let's go on the journey with Noah as he waits for God to remember him.
My principles or my friends? What to do when pressured to compromise what we know to be right? What can we learn from Noah as he navigated that over the long term? Genesis 6
Interesting how the pattern of Genesis 4 is somewhat repeated from Chapter 3 both on the part of God and now Cain/Abel. We see the generous heart of God and how we are prone to reject that. Yet God's posture is bent towards restoration. Why won't we receive it? Genesis 4:1-16
How do you handle temptation? We have all kinds of approaches but what does God say about this nagging question and how He wants to be involved? Genesis 3.
Pastor Scott continues the sermon series “In The Beginning God” as he speaks from Genesis 2. What was God's plan in the beginning for how life should play out and what does that plan say about our future?