The first in a new series. We ask the question: Does He or Doesn't He - Exist? The first page of Scripture not only lays how it happens but is powerful proof for His existence, an existence that is entirely reasonable or is it?
Pastor Brian shares a message at our year end services, looking back at 2018, looking ahead at 2019 and the message behind the story of the fig tree from Luke 13: 6-9
The Great Reversal
Studying Luke 1:46-55. The world typically gets it exactly wrong and this is at the heart of King Jesus came. Mary recognized all this in her song - The Great Reversal.
Pastor Aaron shares from Matthew 1:18-25 and the story of Joseph about how we can discover joy during this season. It boils down to three words: Obedience, Presence and Adoption.
Matthew 2:1-10
Pastor Aaron talkes about the story of the wisemen from Matthew 2 and shows how their story parallels the story of Jesus and answers the question: What Child is this?
The Shepherds were minding their own business when everything changed and they were catapulted into search mode. What was the motive behind that which they sought? We begin advent with the search. Luke 2:8-20.
Why Community - Matt. 22: 37-40
One more message in our "How Come" series. Why do we do community here at UDAC?
Frustrating is a word that might come to mind when we ask, "How come God didn't say yes to my prayer?" What does God have to say about that?
Pastor Aaron challenges us from John 16 to consider that God didn't create us to just cope through the hard seasons of life, but to actually find hope. He shares 5 tools that we can keep in our belt to help us to live hopeful lives.