Psalm 88:13. How come I don't always feel God's presence? Is this a common thing and what does God have to say about this in His Word?
Romans 8:31-39 In Christ we have victory, actually hyper victory that is not dependent on us or conventional means. It is depends on Him.
Biblical Christ followers are called to be change agents, influencers in their world. Salt and light. When you know who you are, you will know what to do.
Aaron Moore speaks on Discipleship in the contiuing sermons series, Know.
Everyone is looking for purpose and to serve something bigger than themselves. As God’s masterpiece in Christ that longing is addressed.
Ephesians 2:1-10
There is confusion about who we are and what we are to do. If we know who we are, it follows we will know what to do. Join us for a new series called KNOW. 2 Corinthians 5:17-21.
Pastor Aaron speaks from Nehemiah 1.
The third prayer that like the first two, is not that safe. Send Me. Some people in Scripture were not willing to pray that. Am I?
At UDAC we don't want to do anything until we pray. Three of the dangerous prayers from Scripture are - Search Me, Send Me and today we look at Break Me. Can our God be trusted to break us and then what will it look like on the other side?