One of the ways to stand out in a healthy way is to be known as a place that gives rather than takes. Jesus talks to us about this radical posture in Luke 6:27-38.
2 Timothy 3:5-17 reminds us of the value of the Book. At UDAC, we value and want to be people of the Book.
We are looking at the Biblical values that define our church. Today's value is Missions and the idea that when Jesus rescued us, naturally we will want to pass this good news on. The heart of Jesus is for all the peoples of this world.
Pastor Brian continues "This Is Us" as he speaks about worship from John 4:23 and Romans
Pastor Brian contiues the series, "This Is Us" with Commuinity as he preaches from Acts 2:42-47.
Pastor Aaron continues with the series, “This Is Us” with Discipleship. He speaks from John 15:1-15.
We launch a new series, “This Is Us”. The Biblical values that are front and center in our church. This first week we talk about prayer and specifically, “Search Me” from Psalm 139:23,24.
You know those times in life where you are just STRUCK by something? It is stuff you already knew but for whatever reason, you are just stopped in your tracks and struck. We will look at a couple of those.
Father’s Day and from Luke 15:11-21 we will look at the Father’s heart and what that means for us as fathers. Do we have “The Right Stuff”?