We launch with good intentions but then life happens and motives get questioned. Which road will we choose to go down when life in the family isn't going the way we assumed it would?
Ephesians 6:1-4, Luke 2:41-52
What a fine balance of moving with your children from the early years into the teenage years and launching them into adulthood. What are some of those key principles that help make the teenage years a time of healthy development and wise decision making skills? As adults we are all influencers in this.
Ephesians 6:1-4
Having young children is such a delight but also the key time to set them for a lifetime that (Eph. 6:3) will "go well for them". In that pursuit what are those components as parents and influencing adults that we would want to concentrate on?
Deuteronomy 6:1-9
Imagine the end. Our passage invites us to poke our head above the everyday living we are focused on now. Poke our head up and imagine where God wants us to be when we emerge from all this.
Deuteronomy 6:1-9
Imagine the end. Our passage invites us to poke our head above the everyday living we are focused on now. Poke our head up and imagine where God wants us to be when we emerge from all this.