Genesis 37-50
Genesis 6-8
Often times when life is filled with hurt, atrocities and brokenness it can be difficult time find hope and yet in these moments, the darkest moments of life, light shines the brightest. As we begin a new sermon series called ;But God, Pastor Aaron begins with how we can find hope in difficult days and talks about the opportunity we have to look up towards a loving and present God.
Exodus 3-4
Luke 5:1-11
What do we do, when God asks us to do something that on the surface doesn't seem to make sense? God asks the question, "Do we trust Him?"
1 John 2:5, Matthew 5:34-37
Ephesians 4:32
Forgive. For some, that word alone, causes your gut to tighten. Peace lies at the end of the process God helps us through.
Luke 15
How does God the Father feel towards people who are outside of His family? Has there been a day in your life like He would want you to have?
Matthew 21:1-11
Bandwagon or Diehard? What kind of a fan are you? As Jesus entered Jerusalem they cheered but how did He react when the cheering stopped?
I John 5
Some have never heard of it, some think it lands on them, and some wonder did it "take"? How can I KNOW that Jesus is my Saviour and Lord?