Genesis 18
God offers us a seat at the table when decisions are made that affect us all. How does He remain God and yet still make that inviting offer?
Genesis 18
God offers us a seat at the table when decisions are made that affect us all. How does He remain God and yet still make that inviting offer?
Genesis 16, 17
Wherever we sit and passively accept things the storm clouds start to gather. Instead we are invited to "actively wait".
Genesis 13 and 14
Uncle and nephew both make choices that lead to very different paths in life. Which path are you on?
Genesis 12:1-9
We are watched and often emulated by those coming after us. Abraham - Isaac - Jacob. Generationally passed on lessons of Faith and Failure. What are you passing on?
Matthew 16:13-18
On Vision Sunday - Who are we about and What are we about? It all intersects with One person and one promise.
Guest speaker, Geoff Heth speaks from Acts 17.
Proverbs 18:24
It is a lonely world. Do you have a friend? A friend that sticks close. How does Proverbs coach us on this?
Proverbs 22:1
When you die will people be tempted to lie to clean up the real you? What's in a name and what does my name say about me?
Proverbs 18:21
Do we need to establish a Department of Motor Mouths? We have the responsibility to be responsible with our tongue.