Isaiah and Revelation
We celebrate the birth of the Messiah during the advent season but we are also reminded to worship Him for all the things He does and is, the whole package.
Isaiah and Revelation
We celebrate the birth of the Messiah during the advent season but we are also reminded to worship Him for all the things He does and is, the whole package.
Matthew 2:1-12
In the last 21 months it is fair to say we have all been searching. How will we respond if and when we find the answer to that search? The wisemen and how their search mirrors ours.
Luke 2:8-20 & John 1:35-42
When you sit down with your eggnog and that important person in your life, sits across from you. What do you wish for them?
Isaiah 11:1
God is in the business of taking what appears to be hopeless and making something significant out of it. Someone shot from the root of Jesse.
Number 27:12-23
Moses time was ending. How did he handle it? How will we handle it, when our time in whatever role we are in, is over? Filling the shoes of Moses.
Numbers 20:1-13
How do we get good and mad and yet not sin? How does God express wrath every day and yet not sin? Is anger always a negative thing or is it two-sided?
Exodus 32
How effective is our prayer? When we pray does it impact the final outcome or does God just have it figured out?
Exodus 19 - Meeting with God
There is lots to learn from this passage on how the Israelites met with God and we will look at a couple of lessons that we can apply to our life in meeting with God today.