John 15: 1-17
The goal Jesus has for each of us is to be fruitful. This only happens in a dynamic connection to the Vine. The rest is just plastic fruit.
John 15: 1-17
The goal Jesus has for each of us is to be fruitful. This only happens in a dynamic connection to the Vine. The rest is just plastic fruit.
John 14:15-31
We need help. Jesus needed help and that help was found in the filling of the Holy Spirit. We need that filling of the Spirit as well and the very peace of God comes with it. Wonderful.
John 13:1-20
Jesus shows the full extent of His love for us. He is in fact still doing this, for each that would receive that love and service.
John 11:1-44
We all approach grief in our own way. And that is OK. Five approaches to grief in John 11 with an ending that is very different and full of hope.
John 10:1-21
The Good Shepherd knows my name. He calls me by name. The God of the Universe is personal, relational and cares for me like only the Chief Shepherd can care for the sheep. It all sounds inviting.
John 7:53-8:11
How does Jesus deal with us when we are caught "Red Handed" in sin? In the story we might be the woman, we might be the man or we might be the religious leaders. We are one of them and one day like the woman we will stand alone with Jesus.
John 6:25-71
Complicated and even offensive, ever have one of those days in your walk with Jesus? Let's see how all the players handled just such a day.
John 5 & 9
Two stories where people were healed. Jesus sought them out rather than the other way around. But in both stories a certain posture was taken. Come for our healing service with the kind of posture Jesus likes to work with.
John 4:43-53