…I Like To Complain
Psalm 34:8-14
…I Like To Complain
Psalm 34:8-14
…Don’t touch my politics
1 Samuel 8:4-22
October 21, Election Day in Canada. Today's message: Let me tell you who to vote for. Curious? Disturbed? Maybe you should come check it out.
…I Am Ashamed
Guilt and shame are not the same. Our guilt can be dealt with and forgiven but we may still wrestle with shame. Dealing with both of these rests in the grace only available through the cross of Christ. Join us as we invite a touch from Jesus..
John 3:16
I know God loves the world, that large mass of people but sometimes I wonder if He really loves .... me? When I look at my life I wonder if God is MIA at times.
Galatians 3:26-4:9
Lessening the gap between what we say we believe about God and what we actually do. Might that begin by living out of who we are in Christ? Adopted chosen children with all the riches provided in Christ. What a wonderful today and glorious future.
On our Kick off Sunday, we invite you to discover God's ONE THING for you. It is what University Drive Alliance Church (UDAC) is all about.
Isaiah 43:18-19
Psalm 121
Pastor Aaron talks through Psalm 121 and talks about where we get true help in our times of struggle, anxiety and discouragement.
Text: Psalm 6
We often try to hide our tears as if there was something wrong with them on display. What if they are actually a sign that something is quite right?
Text: Psalm